Technological Terror

Thomas Lekhanya
2 min readAug 8, 2020

I’m listening to a slow-paced French lounge music song called Le Masseur and it’s 5:23 am (yes yes, my fellow reader, tis a humble flex).

(*Rubs hands wondering what he’ll write about)

Just now, after switching my laptop on, I saw something that strikes terror in the stomachs of every computer owner to ever walk this or any other planet when they see it.

The blue screen of death.

Actually, In my case, it was the black screen with-glitchy-white-lines of death.

I paused, looking at it, thinking of taking a picture, wondering whether I truly was screwed, whether I’d have to now budget to gets me a new laptop.

I wouldn’t have to.

It loaded normally.

Ah yes, the uncertainty of life.

Prior to switching it on I was reflecting on my goals…

Thinking of the impact of my current habits until year end.

I do this because habits don’t always feel like they’re really making a difference on a day-to-day micro level.

And since yours truly is wont to losing faith if things don’t seem to be popping immediately, I added a five minute morning reflection session to help temper those worries.

And so far, from my few days of doing it, I’ve felt it creating more “buy-in” to doing the incremental things.

For example, I write three pieces of short advertising for random products on a daily basis.

Today is Saturday.

I had the impulse to rather “do other things”, instead.

And here are legit “other things” I can do in those ninety minutes.

But you know what?

The most important goal in my life right now is reaching certain miles stones in my copywriting career.

This is the twenty percent of the proverbial 80/20 rule.

So yes, I will be sitting the fuck down when it’s time to write those ads.

Until next time

-Thomas Lekhanya

P.S. I enjoyed the energy I got from writing (actually editing) this writing piece. I suspect laughing at my own jokes (some which have been edited out) has anything to do with it. Heyyyy getting high on your own supply don’t gotta be something bad!

P.P.S I was feeling perfectionism ruining my ruining my drawing experience because “ don’t draw as good as I used to, I don’t draw as good as I used to.” Fuck that shit, the criteria for success is simply sitting down and drawing. I got good in the past because I practiced. Anyway, check out my latest creations of graphite lines on dead trees yo!



Thomas Lekhanya

Copywriter | Internet Advertiser | JHB, South Africa